Sponsorship program
We have finally started the Sponsorship program, so if you want to become a sponsor to one of the students you can do so by donating between 10 – 40 €. 20 € will cover six (6) months of school for one student. We have a special sponsorship page available, but it is not open to public for security reasons. So if you wish to be a sponsor, please let me (Marko) know and I will send you the details.
Observing the students
Last few weeks Sajida has been observing what the children are doing and creating student profiles for the Sponsorship program. We are asking the students what they like to do at the centers and what their future plans are. We’re creating individual profiles for each student, so they can have a sponsor everyone of them.
Reporting system
For the sponsorship program we’re creating a reporting system so that each sponsor will get a monthly report on the progress of the student they’re sponsoring. We will create a system for the students to mark every day on the computer what they’ve done today. This information will be then forwarded to the sponsors every month with some additional information about the centers and the student.
Swimming and Park visit
The students are asking about the possibility to go swimming and to the park. We will be adding the possibility for our supporters to do an additional donation towards these expeditions.
Extra time on the computer
Many students keep asking about the possibility for extra time on the computer. Unfortunately at the moment we only have few computers in each center (4 computers in Talent and Smile centers and 2 computers in the Joy center). This gives very little time for every student to use a computer every day. In the future we will be aiming to give more time and find more volunteers to help us keep the centers open more time every day.