News update 30 May 2020

Children are becoming more interested in Vocational Education

Since two weeks children have been attending the centers on a daily basis. The students have been watching many kinds of videos on internet in Urdu language about how to do haircuts, fix broken electric appliances, about makeup or girl’s hairstyles and about other vocational skills. Many of the students took great interest in cooking tutorials as they aspire to become professional chefs.

Moreover, they have also been learning reading and writing in Urdu and English as well. The young ones are learning nursery rhymes in both Urdu and English. Meanwhile other kids do some extracurricular activities.

The Sewing Center

The women at the sewing center are busy making cloth masks for the children in the center and also for their own families and their relatives. Most of the students in the sewing center have become quite good at making traditional dresses and shirts. They are very determined to get better every day so that they can bring income for their families. This way also they and their families do not have to pay for their dresses because they usually make their own clothing.